Vice-Chancellor & Principal


Prof.Lt Gen Madhuri Kanitkar (Retd),
Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik

Pro Vice-Chancellor

Prof Dr. Milind Nikumbh
Maharashtra University Of Health Sciences, Nashik


Dr. Rajendra Bangal
Maharashtra Univeristy Of Health Sciences, Nashik

Principle Desk

Name: Vd.Rajesh Mangalrao Giri
Age: 50 Yrs.
Registration No.: I-27813-A1
Qualification: M.D.(Kayachikitsa ) 2000 Amravati Univ.
Date of Joining: 10/03/2005
Designation: Professor/ Incharge Principal
Address: 49,Shivam,Datta Colony, Datta Mandir Chowk, Depoor DhuleDist-Dhule
Contact No.: 9422787843
Email :

It is my proud privilege to communicate with you through the website of K.V.T.R. ayurved college. I feel pride welcoming you to K.V.T.R. ayurved college, Boradi which has grown successfully over the years. K.V.T.R. ayurved college is commited to provide and ensure high quality of education of Indian system of medicine I,e ayurveda. The hospital attached to this college rendering medical services to the underserved urban and rural, Adivasi populations in Boradi and its peripharies since last 40 years. I promise you that your sincere efforts as student and the excellent inputs of the faculty of this ayurved college make you a true Doctor. Well Come and join K.V.T.R. ayurved college and realize your academic dreams.